Assistant Principal
Is a Retired Certified Principal/Social Worker/Counselor that worked at S. Williams Elementary School in New Orleans, la. Teacher and Veteran Educator. The role of a principal is to provide strategic direction in the school system. Principal develop standardized curricula, assess teaching methods, monitor student achievement, encourage parent involvement, revise policies and procedures, administer the budget, hire and evaluate staff and oversee facilities. Other important duties entail developing safety protocols and emergency response procedures.
Financial Readiness-Steven Stanfield and Crossmark Educational Business Services
The new school will utilize KECS Crossmark for all financial planning, accounting, purchasing, and payroll functions. The team’s size and composition allow for segregation of duties in all aspects of financial management, leading to a strong system of internal controls.
KECS central office is to take as many operational responsibilities off the executive director, without loss of making decision making autonomy, so that they can focus on school culture, instruction, and relationships with students, parents, and teachers. KECS provides centralized operational support in the operational areas. Describe your administrator and teacher recruitment strategy. The pool of Teachers and Administrators that KECS may recruit from are: Retired teachers, Displaced Teachers, New College Graduates. Louisiana Leadership Fellows, Retired School Leaders, Recent Praxis Certified School Leaders. Describe the expectations for teachers, how you will clearly communicate these expectations and ensure that teachers stay on track towards meeting expectations. Teachers performance expectation will be Data Driven. According to the Tap Yearly goal which will be made of Sharon Hills Elementary School base on their previous years.
ABOUT Guy Farber:
Principal Guy Farber has been committed to Louisiana schools for most of his thirty-two years as a teacher, coach and administrator. He served as an elementary school teacher and high school coach for twenty-five years at his alma mater, St. Martin’s Episcopal School. He also served as Director of Lower School Athletics and Project Adventure Coordinator in leading the professional development of all faculty grades Pre-K through 12. Project Adventure pedagogy encompasses project-based instruction and character development in all classrooms. Mr. Farber also earned two advanced degrees while working at St. Martin’s: a Master’s degree in Science Teaching and a Master’s degree in Educational Administration. Mr. Farber then served as Principal and Head of School at St. Frederick High School, grades 7-12, in Monroe, Louisiana for three years where he transformed a failing school into an academic and athletic forerunner in just three years, increasing enrollment by 32% during his brief time there. Mr. Farber then moved to south Florida to become the Founding Head of Upper School at The Village School of Naples until he came back home and began his career in the Jefferson Parish Public School System as a science teacher and now serves as a Mentor Teacher in Science at T. H. Harris Middle School in Metairie, Louisiana.